<?php namespace HashOver;

// Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Jacob Barkdull
// This file is part of HashOver.
// HashOver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// HashOver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with HashOver. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// Adds a row to a table body
function add_table_row (HTMLTag $body, HTMLTag $child)
// Create table row and column
$tr = new HTMLTag ('tr');
$td = new HTMLTag ('td');

// Append child element to column
$td->appendChild ($child);

// Append column to row
$tr->appendChild ($td);

// Append row to table body
$body->appendChild ($tr);

// Adds a head to a table
function add_table_head (HTMLTag $table, $html)
// Create table head, row and column
$thead = new HTMLTag ('thead');
$th = new HTMLTag ('tr', false, false);
$td = new HTMLTag ('th', false, false);

// Append child element to column
$td->innerHTML ($html);

// Append column to row
$th->appendChild ($td);

// Append row to head
$thead->appendChild ($th);

// Append row to table body
$table->appendChild ($thead);

try {
// Do some standard HashOver setup work
require (realpath ('../../backend/standard-setup.php'));

// View setup
require (realpath ('../view-setup.php'));

// Get current website
$current_website = $hashover->setup->website;

// Attempt to get website from GET data
$website = $hashover->setup->getRequest ('website', $current_website);

// Set website if GET website is different
if ($website !== $current_website) {
$hashover->setup->setWebsite ($website);

// Attempt to get array of comment threads
$threads = $hashover->thread->queryThreads ();

// Create comment thread table
$threads_table = new HTMLTag ('table', array (
'id' => 'threads',
'cellspacing' => '0',
'cellpadding' => '8'

// Create comment thread table body
$threads_body = new HTMLTag ('tbody');

// Add table head if multiple website support is enabled
if ($hashover->setup->supportsMultisites === true) {
add_table_head ($threads_table, $website);

// Run through comment threads
foreach ($threads as $thread) {
// Read and parse JSON metadata file
$data = $hashover->thread->data->readMeta ('page-info', $thread);

// Check if metadata was read successfully
if ($data === false or empty ($data['url']) or empty ($data['title'])) {

// Create row div
$div = new HTMLTag ('div');

// Add thread hyperlink to row div
$div->appendChild (new HTMLTag ('a', array (
'href' => 'threads.php?' . implode ('&amp;', array (
'website=' . urlencode ($website),
'thread=' . urlencode ($thread),
'title=' . urlencode ($data['title']),
'url=' . urlencode ($data['url'])

'innerHTML' => $data['title']

// Add thread URL line to row div
$div->appendChild (new HTMLTag ('p', array (
'children' => array (new HTMLTag ('small', $data['url'], false))

// And row div to table body
add_table_row ($threads_body, $div);

// Add table body to table
$threads_table->appendChild ($threads_body);

// Template data
$template = array (
'title' => $hashover->locale->text['moderation'],
'sub-title' => $hashover->locale->text['moderation-sub'],
'left-id' => 'threads-column',
'threads' => $threads_table->asHTML ("\t\t\t\t"),

// Check if multiple website support is enabled
if ($hashover->setup->supportsMultisites === true) {
// If so, attempt to get array of websites
$websites = $hashover->thread->queryWebsites ();

// Add domain to array of websites if it isn't present
if (!in_array ($hashover->setup->domain, $websites)) {
$websites[] = $hashover->setup->domain;

// Check if other websites exist
if (count ($websites) > 1) {
// If so, create comment thread table
$websites_table = new HTMLTag ('table', array (
'id' => 'websites',
'cellspacing' => '0',
'cellpadding' => '8'

// Add table head
add_table_head ($websites_table, $hashover->locale->text['websites']);

// Sort the websites
sort ($websites, SORT_NATURAL);

// Run through website directories
foreach ($websites as $name) {
// Skip current website
if ($name === $website) {

// Create website hyperlink
add_table_row ($websites_table, new HTMLTag ('a', array (
'href' => '?website=' . urlencode ($name),
'innerHTML' => $name
), false));

// And add other websites to template
$template = array_merge ($template, array (
'right-id' => 'websites-column',
'websites' => $websites_table->asHTML ("\t\t\t\t")

// Load and parse HTML template
echo parse_templates ('admin', 'moderation.html', $template, $hashover);

} catch (\
Exception $error) {
echo Misc::displayException ($error);