<?php namespace HashOver;

// Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Jacob Barkdull
// This file is part of HashOver.
// HashOver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// HashOver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with HashOver. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// Check if request is for JSONP
if (isset ($_GET['jsonp'])) {
// If so, setup HashOver for JavaScript
require ('javascript-setup.php');

// Get data from GET request
$request = $_GET;
} else {
// If not, setup HashOver for JSON
require ('json-setup.php');

// Get data from POST request
$request = $_POST;

// Converts a file name (1-2) to a permalink (hashover-c1r1)
function file_permalink ($file)
return 'hashover-c' . str_replace ('-', 'r', $file);

// Handles posted comment data
function display_json (\HashOver $hashover, FormData $form_data, $data)
// Check if request is HTTP
if ($form_data->viaAJAX === false) {
// If so, convert file to permalink
$permalink = file_permalink ($data['file']);

// And redirect to comment
return $form_data->kickback ($permalink);

// Otherwise, split file into parts
$key_parts = explode ('-', $data['file']);

// Parse comment data
$parsed = $hashover->commentParser->parse (
$data['comment'], $data['file'], $key_parts

// And return JSON or JSONP function call
return Misc::jsonData (array (
// Current comment count
'count' => $hashover->getCommentCount (),

// Parsed comment data
'comment' => $parsed

try {
// Instantiate HashOver class
$hashover = new \HashOver ('json');

// Throw exception if requested by remote server
$hashover->setup->refererCheck ();

// Set page URL from POST/GET data
$hashover->setup->setPageURL ('request');

// Set page title from POST/GET data
$hashover->setup->setPageTitle ('request');

// Set thread name from POST/GET data
$hashover->setup->setThreadName ('request');

// Instantiate FormData class
$form_data = new FormData ($hashover->setup, $hashover->cookies);

// Handle user login
if (isset ($request['login'])) {
// Log the user in
$hashover->login->setLogin ();

// Kick visitor back if told to
$form_data->displayMessage ('logged-in');

// Handle user logout
if (isset ($request['logout'])) {
// Log the user out
$hashover->login->clearLogin ();

// Kick visitor back
$form_data->displayMessage ('logged-out');

// Initiate and finalize comment processing
$hashover->initiate ();
$hashover->finalize ();

// Instantiate class for writing and editing comments
$write_comments = new WriteComments (

// Decide SPAM check mode
$mode = $form_data->viaAJAX ? 'javascript' : 'php';

// Handle new comment post
if (isset ($request['post'])) {
// Check IP address for spam
$form_data->checkForSpam ($mode);

// Save posted comment
$data = $write_comments->postComment ();

// Create/update page metadata
$hashover->defaultMetadata ();

// Check if comment saved successfully
if (!empty ($data)) {
// If so, display comment as JSON data
echo display_json ($hashover, $form_data, $data);
} else {
// If not, redirect to failure message
$form_data->displayMessage ('post-fail');

// Handle comment edit
if (isset ($request['edit'])) {
// Check IP address for spam
$form_data->checkForSpam ($mode);

// Save edited comment
$data = $write_comments->editComment ();

// Check if edited comment saved successfully
if (!empty ($data)) {
// If so, display comment as JSON data
echo display_json ($hashover, $form_data, $data);
} else {
// If not, redirect to failure message
$form_data->displayMessage ('post-fail');

// Handle comment deletion
if (isset ($request['delete'])) {
// Check IP address for spam
$form_data->checkForSpam ($mode);

// Attempt to delete comment
$deleted = $write_comments->deleteComment ();

// Check if comment was deleted successfully
if ($deleted === true) {
// If so, redirect to deletion message
$form_data->displayMessage ('comment-deleted');
} else {
// If not, redirect to failure message
$form_data->displayMessage ('post-fail');
} catch (\
Exception $error) {
echo Misc::displayException ($error, 'json');