A recurring donation platform. It has achieved great growth and is currently available in more than 27 languages. It is one of the most competitive platforms in the market.
We offer a one-stop service: internationalization and localization of complete websites. We care about the loading speed and factors that influence the positioning of your website in the first search results.
A recurring donation platform. It has achieved great growth and is currently available in more than 27 languages. It is one of the most competitive platforms in the market.
One of the largest cryptocurrencies on the market. It offers privacy, fungibility and low transaction costs. Thanks to the fact that its website is translated into several languages, it managed to greatly increase its adoption and, therefore, its value.
0,00025 XMR per word
0,000451 XMR per word
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We also accept payments in other cryptocurrencies and in euros.
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Don't forget to specify the link to your website and the languages you want to translate it into.