

Ducker 0.5.1 released

Ducker 0.5.1 has been released. Several features have been added.

New Features

  • Add -H and --no-javascript options to search with DuckDuckGo without using JavaScript through DuckDuckGo HTML version:
  • Add -l and --lite options to search with DuckDuckGo using its lite interface (very convenient for text-based browsers)
  • Add customization section in readme to help users customize Ducker

Upgrading from previous versions

If you used pip to install Ducker, you can upgrade executing pip install -U ducker.

If you got it cloning the git repository, execute git pull in the repository folder to upgrade.

If you downloaded the .zip or .tar.gz from or, just replace the old version.



Ducker website

Welcome to the new website of Ducker. I've decided to create this website using Pelican and host it in my own server because the submission of the Ducker project in Savannah was very slow. I thought Pelican was a great choice because:

  1. It is written in Python, just like Ducker
  2. It is easy to distribute the source code of the website in a repository and, thus, increase contributions
  3. We can use RSS
  4. It Allows translations

This website is free software (here is the source code), so you can submit articles, corrections, translations or whatever you think is necessary to improve it. Every time a new release of Ducker is made, we should create a new article with the release tag.

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