

Some development updates

It's great to have an interactive mode, but it's still very buggy. That's the reason why I haven't made a new release yet. The most important problem now is that Ducker doesn't support proper page navigation. I made a little hack to support it up to result 30, but I should find a better solution before the next release. Besides, I think it would be great to be able to open various search results at the same time from the interactive mode.

When I solve those issues, I'll update the documentation. Hopefully, we can publish the 2.0 release within the next two weeks and you won't find many bugs.

Other news: Ducker is now a Peers Community project. Peers Community is a community of people interested in free software and free culture. This is the same community that runs NotABug, which is where Ducker's code repository is currently hosted. I want to thank the Peers community for providing hosting to free software projects like this one and for finding some bugs in Ducker.



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