Why do some URLs end with a slash?

You have probably come across URLs that end with a slash (such as https://freakspot.net/en/ or /, the server's root directory) and others that don't (such as this one: https://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu.html). What's the difference? Is it important?

A URL is basically an address to a resource. URLs do not only refer to web pages, but also to other types of resources. Examples of URL schemes are http, https, ftp, telnet, data and mailto. In this article I am referring to web pages that use either the http or the https scheme.

URLs that end with a slash refer to a directory; URLs that do not end with a slash refer to a file. When you click on the link https://freakspot.net/en, the server realises that the requested address is not a file and goes to https://freakspot.net/en/. There it finds a main file called index.html or index with another extension and displays its contents.

Consequently, the page loads faster when we use links to main pages ending with slashes (e.g. /) or when we link to the filename (e.g. https://www.example.com/index.html).

Block websites: hosts file

To block websites you can use a browser extension (such as Block Site), a proxy server (such as Squid), but there is also the option of editing the hosts file, a method that consumes very little RAM and, unlike the browser extension, will work for any browser or program Keep reading Block websites: hosts file

How to delete table cells in LibreOffice Writer

To delete cells the only option is removing its borders. Here I have a table from which I want to remove three of the top cells that are leftover:

To do this, click on the Borders button that appears below when we select the table cells we want to delete and then click on No Borders, as I do in the following image:

In case you get lost, here is also a video demonstration:

Here is the result:

TikTok privately with ProxiTok

TikTok is a centralised social network and requires the use of proprietary software. It is practically impossible to query TikTok with the browser in a decent way without losing privacy or freedom... unless you use another interface, such as ProxyTok, which I describe in this article.

The ProxiTok interface is simple. You can go to trending content, discover users and search by username, tag, TikTok URL, music identifier and video identifier.

Search by username
Profile of @a_commoner. It can also be followed by RSS.

The project was launched on 1 January 2022, so it is quite young and more features are expected to be added. To automatically redirect to ProxiTok you can install the LibRedirect extension, which also prevents other privacy-harmful websites.

There are several public instances, and it is possible to install one on your own server.

Python keylogger for GNU/Linux. Send information by email and self-destruct

In this article I show you how to program an advanced keylogger that sends messages by email and self-destructs after a certain date.

Keep reading Python keylogger for GNU/Linux. Send information by email and self-destruct